De este manifesto, el gran periodista Xavier Bosch nos dedicó una editorial en el Mundo Deportivo(parece que le gustó). Nunca antes habian redactado una columna hablando largo y tendido sobre lo bien que estaba un concepto que he escrito:
The solidary billboard
A Gas Natural's action to capture customers in new territories.
Gas Natural is the leading supplier of gas in Spain. And even it seems surprising it stills reaching areas that were desconected from the network before. To make this known, we proposed a "special" billboard. This OOH announced the arrival of the gas and worked as a container for the deposit of those blankets that will be no longer needed thanks to Gas Natural. Those blankets would be donated to homeless associations.
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Agency: Contrapunto BBDO
Creative director: Carlos de Javier
Copy : Guillem Zuazola
Triptomax Commercial (Aspid Winner)
Script in english: “Today it's a great day to be yourself again!
Triptomax increases the levels of tryptofan and magnesium that may help you to have a properly brain working.
Triptomax. Positive mind!”
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Agency: Havas Barcelona
Creative director: Alex Piqué
Art direction: Eulàlia Pinart
Copy : Guillem Zuazola
SEAT DAYS. If you blink it’s gone.
Media Markt 2016-2017
Selection of the spanish 2017 campaign (22 commercials) for the the biggest technology retailer in Europe.
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Agency: DDB Barcelona
Creative director:Sergi Perez
Copywritters: Marc Forcada, Sara Lopez & Guillem Zuazola
Art Directors: Eduard de Beniro & Elena Nuñez